class: center, middle # you don't know ![npm logo](public/img/npm.png) --- class: center, middle ## ## --- class: center, middle # hi my name is @ag_dubs ![space invader](public/img/spaceinvader.png) ![ghost](public/img/ghost.png) ![dolphin](public/img/dolphin.png) --- class: center, middle # developer community and content manager --- class: center, middle # ?????lolwat ![confused malmutes](public/img/confused.gif) --- class: center, middle # if you don't understand how npm works ![fire](public/img/fire.png) ![fire](public/img/fire.png) ![fire](public/img/fire.png) -- # that's my problem -- ![grimacing](public/img/grimacing.png) --- class: center, middle ## stuff everybody knows # `npm install` --- class: center, middle ## stuff not everyone knows ![i dont know](public/img/idontknow.gif) --- class: top left ## create a package.json # `npm init` - ### knows your deps from node_modules - ### knows your repository from git repo - ### always adds keys, never deletes ![chick](public/img/chick.png) --- class: top, left ## create a package.json with defaults # `npm init --yes` ![yes](public/img/yes.gif) --- class: top, left ## add deps from the CLI # `npm i --save` # `npm i --save-dev` ![disk](public/img/disk.png) ![disk](public/img/disk.png) ![disk](public/img/disk.png) --- class: top, left ## add deps from the CLI # `npm i -S` # `npm i -D` ![disk](public/img/disk.png) ![disk](public/img/haircut.png) ![disk](public/img/disk.png) --- class: top, left ## npm... global cache? # `.npm/` ## modules are stored in the home directory ### ... but you can't use this offline because it still hits the network ![money](public/img/cash.png) --- ## npm install offline ### `npm install --cache-min 999999` ### we should probably just alias this to: ### `npm install --offline` ![money](public/img/cash.png) ![money](public/img/cash.png) ![money](public/img/cash.png) --- class: top, left ## lock down your deps # `npm shrinkwrap` ![shrinkwrap](public/img/shrinkwrap.gif) --- class: top, left ## lock down your deps # `npm shrinkwrap` - ### deploy to production EXACTLY what you used in dev - ### locks every version of every package and all dependencies in node_modules --- class: center, middle # why not a default feature? --- class: top, center # we believe in semver ![want to believe](public/img/wanttobelieve.jpg) --- class: top, left ## semver made easy # `npm version
` ### `types: major, minor, patch` - ### major: breaking changes - ### minor: feature add - ### patch: bug fix, docs --- class: top, left ### run scripts ### `npm test` ### `npm start` ### `npm run $anything` ### Automate CLI workflows, e.g. build steps, migrations ![theater](public/img/theater.png) --- class: top, left ## lifecycle events ## `publish, install, uninstall, version, test, stop, start, restart` ## `pre, post` ![seedling](public/img/seedling.png) ![plant](public/img/plant.png) ![tree](public/img/tree.png) --- class: top, left ## run scripts are composable #### `"db:migrate": "knex migrate:latest"` #### `"db:seed": "knex seed:run"` #### `"db:reset": "npm run db:migrate && npm run db:seed"` ![score](public/img/score.png) --- class: middle, center # scoped packages ## (fancy way of saying namespaced packages!) --- class: top, left ## scoped packages # `npm i @scope/name` ![telescope](public/img/telescope.png) -- ### scoped packages are private by default but you can make them public: ### `npm publish --access=public` --- class: middle, center # npm private modules ![lock](public/img/lock.png) -- ### (it's recursive! get it? get it?) -- npmnpmnpmnpmnpmnpmlolololololol --- class: top, left ## private modules ## `npm init --scope=
` ### Use your private modules side by side with modules from the public registry ![dancers](public/img/dancers.png) --- class: middle, center # Managing access is hard... ![orgs](public/img/orgs.gif) --- class: top, left ## npm organizations # `npm team` - ### create teams and add members - ### grant and revoke access to packages via scopes ![team](public/img/team.png) --- class: top, left # npm on-site ## run your own on-premises npm registry ### `npm login` ### ` --registry=` ![office](public/img/office.png) ![runner](public/img/runner.png) -- (get it? run? runner?) --- class: middle, center ![the more you know](public/img/moreyouknow.jpg) --- class: center, middle # thanks! ## `me => @ag_dubs` ## ![space invader](public/img/spaceinvader.png) ![ghost](public/img/ghost.png) ![dolphin](public/img/dolphin.png)